Serbian-Hungarian Baranya-Baja Republic

Serb-Hungarian Baranya-Baja Republic
Baranya-Bajai Szerb-Magyar Köztársaság
Српско-мађарска република Барања-Баја
Unrecognized state



Capital Pécs
Government Republic
President Petar Dobrović
Historical era Interwar period
 - Established August 14, 1921
 - Disestablished August 20, 1921

The Serb-Hungarian Baranya-Baja Republic (Hungarian: Baranya-Bajai Szerb-Magyar Köztársaság, Serbian: Српско-мађарска република Барања-Баја, Srpsko-mađarska republika Baranja-Baja) was a short-lived, Soviet-oriented mini-state, proclaimed in Pécs on 14 August 1921, on occupied Hungarian territory during the peacemaking aftermath of the first World War, tolerated and fostered by the newly-proclaimed Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Its territory included the geographical region of Baranya and the northern part of Bačka region.



It was established on 14 August 1921[1] and was ceased on 20 August 1921.[1] The area of southern Hungary was occupied by the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes' army and was administrated by the people's administration from Novi Sad. Since the defeat of Béla Kun's Hungarian Soviet Republic in summer 1919, many communist dissidents from Budapest, escaping from the "white terror" of admiral Horthy, emigrated to Baranya, where Béla Linder, mayor of Pécs, gave them refuge. Béla Linder, the military attaché of the Hungarian Soviet Republic based in Vienna in Austria, became finally the mayor of Pécs in September 1920.

In the Great People's Assembly of Pécs on August 14, where in front of 15-20000 people[1] painter Petar Dobrović suggested the formation of independent republic that would include region of Baranya and northern part of Bačka around Baja.P etar Dobrović became president of executive committee of the new Republic.

The lobbying at the peace conference in Paris under the Belgrade-appointed Yugoslav Prefect Pandurovitch, it is said to have included two great Hungarian landowners, Count Pavao Keglević and Count Ivan Drašković, in addition to the leading Baranya jurist Tivadar Andrits, a former member of the Hungarian Parliament.[2][3][4] Due to a miscarriage of justice Ivo Andrić was arrested some years before. Laszlo Pandurovitch certainly did not know this Pavao Keglević personally. Živko Petričić a far relative of this Pavao Keglević was the chief-negotiator of the Yugoslav peoples committee of the Croatian Parliament with the Government of Hungary. This Pavao Keglević (1911–2004) was one of the grandsons of the wholesaler of pork Franjo/Ferenc Keglević/Keglovich(1859(baptized 1864)-1916) who in 1905 had emigrated from Hungary to Croatia and changed his name from Ferenc Keglovich in Franjo Keglević, and was at that time about 8 years old.[5][6][7][8] It came to an inquiry in Hungary on this Committee of Pandurovitch, because Pandurovitch was an Austro-Hungarian officer. The members of his alleged Committee Iván Gróf Draskovich, Pál Gróf Keglevich, Tivadar Andric, Vladimir Stojcsics and Koszó Gyorgyevics were summoned, but this two alleged counts alias Draskovich and alias Keglevich quickly disappeared again, it was not established their true identity.[9]

However, the authorities of the new republic did not manage to gain international recognition of their independence, and since the republic was under protection of the Serbian army, after withdrawal of this army from Baranya, Horthy's forces entered into region and put an end to the Republic.

On August 21–25, 1921, the territory claimed by the Republic was divided between Hungary, as was previously decided by the Treaty of Trianon of 1920.

On 12 October 1921 Ferenc Fischer, the tutor of Paul Keglevich (1911–2004), became the supreme governor of Baranya County. Furthermore, the history of Paul Keglevich is very controversial (see: Controversy (law)) and not well researched, may be because of the changes in 1918 in the Tatra (company), with which he was familiarly connected, or may be because tutor Fischer had financed the so called zeleni kadar (green cadres), which both became the reasons for the compulsory purchase of Paul Keglevich by his tutor Fischer.[10][11][12] The newspapers in Pécs have written in the year 1930, when Paul Keglevich became 19 years old, that he would have been a traitor of his country. May be because he was poor, what was better for his protection in those times.[13] Or because he lived in Yugoslavia near Legrad, but the name of the trainstation in Hungary was until a few years ago also Legrad even if Legrad was not in Hungary.[14] Or because of the upcoming nationalistic propaganda among Germans in Hungary in 1930, or because of the upcoming Nazi propaganda against also his surname in Austria.[15][16][17][18] Pesti Hírlap with the Legrady brothers wrote in 1930 in Budapest: "Justice for Hungary! The Cruel Errors of Trianon."[19] Miroslav Krleža wrote later that Josip Broz Tito was an illegitimate child of the above mentioned Franjo Keglević.[20]


Most of the inhabitants of the republic were ethnic Hungarians, while other ethnic groups that lived in the area included Croats, Serbs, Šokci, Bunjevci, Germans, Romanis, Banat Romanians, Germans, Slovaks and others.

This differences clearly demonstrate the Serb efforts of annexation, moreover, at the Serbian Census, they had to calculate the members of the Serbian Army into the census because there was a classified order about this.[1]


The President of the Executive Committee (14–20 August 1921), i.e. president of the republic, was Petar Dobrović (1890–1942), an ethnic Serb.

Sources and references

  1. ^ a b c d e f Szűts Emil: Az elmerült sziget. A Baranyai Szerb-Magyar Köztársaság (Pécs, 1991) ISBN 963 7272 42 9, p. 44, 167-168, 206-207
  2. ^ Corporate governance of the Magyar Jelzálog-Hitelbank / Hungarian Mortgage-Credit Bank by Theodor Draskovich and by Emmerich Keglevich in the year 1900, Historijski zbornik, Band 53, Povijesno društvo Hrvatske, Društvo za hrvatsku povjesnicu, Nakladni zavod Hrvatske, 2000.
  3. ^ Magyar Jelzálog-Hitelbank - Budapest, Dokumentensammlung 1870, Statuten, Geschäftsordnung (1881-1935); Jahres- sowie Geschäftsberichte (1870-1937) (Finanzwesen, Bilanzen); Zirkularmitteilungen an Aktionäre und Investoren, darunter auch Emissionsprospekte (1884-1914); Zeitungsausschnitte (1899-1913).
  4. ^ The Baranya dispute, 1918-1921: diplomacy in the vortex of ideologies, Leslie Charles Tihany, p.28, East European quarterly, 1978.
  5. ^ Prva hrvatska štedionica / First croatian savings-bank, Tragične pouke iz povijesti Prve hrvatske štedionice
  6. ^ for his surmised illegitimate child see:Josip Broz Tito, S Krležom iz dana u dan: Trubač u pustinji duha, Enes Čengić, Miroslav Krleža, Globus, 1985.
  7. ^ see also: Pig War (Serbia), Sándor Wekerle, 1848-1921, Géza Andreas von Geyr, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag 1993.
  8. ^ Der Weltkrieg, Band 3, Karl Helfferich, Ullstein & Co. 1919.
  9. ^ Huszadik Század, September 1930.
  10. ^ Ethnic nationalism and the fall of empires: central Europe, Russia, and the Middle East, 1914-1923, Aviel Roshwald, Routledge, 2001.
  11. ^ The national question in Yugoslavia: origins, history, politics, Ivo Banac, Cornell University Press, 1988.
  12. ^ Avantgarde des Widerstands: Modellfälle militärischer Auflehnung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Band 1, Richard Georg Plaschka, Böhlau Verlag Wien, 2000.
  13. ^ Yugoslavia genocide: a documented analysis, Ante Beljo, Northern Tribune Pub. 1985.
  14. ^ Denkschrift Konsul Höffinger (geheim), ADÖ 2/219, 25.April 1919, AdR, NPA, Präsidium NL/Bauer, Außenpolitische Dokumente der Republik Österreich 1918-1938: Im Schatten von Saint-Germain: 15.März 1919 bis 10.September 1919, Arnold Suppan, Klaus Koch, Walter Rauscher, Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa-Institut, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag 1993.
  15. ^ Judenviertel Europas: die Juden zwischen Ostsee und Schwarzen Meer, Hans Hinkel, Volk und Reich Verlag, 1939.
  16. ^ Österreichische Geschichte, Band 10, Roman Sandgruber, Ueberreuter Verlag, 1995.
  17. ^ "Arisierungen," beschlagnahmte Vermögen, Rückstellungen und Entschädigungen in Oberösterreich, Daniela Ellmauer, Michael John, Regina Thumser, Historikerkommission der Republik Österreich, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2004.
  18. ^ see: Franz A. Basch
  19. ^
  20. ^ S Krležom iz dana u dan: Trubač u pustinji duha, Enes Čengić, Miroslav Krleža, Globus, 1985.

See also

External links